- Braga, P. J. and Sangar, K. (2019). Strategy Amidst Ambiguity: The Belt and Road and China’s Foreign Policy Approach to Eurasia. Journal of Cross-Regional Dialogues, 1:1. DOI: 10.25518/2593-9483.132.
- Braga, P. J. and Hall, S. (2019). China’s Emerging Liberal Partnership Order and Russian and US Responses: Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative in Eurasia. In E. Schimpfössl and P. Duncan (Eds.), Socialism, Capitalism and Alternatives: Area Studies and Global Theories. London, UK: UCL Press. Download at:
- Braga, P. J. China’s New Silk Road, Central Asia, and the Gateway to Europe. Under contract with Routledge. Anticipated publication date: 2021.
- Braga, P. J. (2016). Belarus–China Relations [Review of three articles on Belarus-China Relations by Andrei Yeliseyev (2013), Artem Shraibman (2014), and Katsiaryna Yakouchyk (2015)]. The Journal of Belarusian Studies, 16, pp. 92–97. Retrieved from:
Selected Translations
- Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2016, February 19). “‘Mozhno skazat’ — ispytali sebia”: Monologi rossiiskikh grazhdan, voevavshikh v Donbasse” [‘You could say we proved ourselves’: War stories from Russians returned from fighting in eastern Ukraine] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from:
Original: - Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2016, May 23). “Kiselev prochel neprilichnyi stishok Borisa Dzhonsona pro Erdogana v efire “Rossiia 1’” [Former London mayor’s crude poem about the Turkish president and a goat wins the heart of Russian TV pundit] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from:
Original: - Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2016, February 15). “Edy navalom, khorosho zhivem Rekordsmen Rossii po raskhodam na produkty: reportazh iz Sharoiskogo raiona Chechni” [The virtual reality of Chechen recordkeeping: A report from Russia’s statistical anomaly in the mountains] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from:
Original: - Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2016, April 20). “Kazachii ataman rasskazal ob uchastii rossiian v siriiskoi voine s 2013 goda” [Head of Cossack army regiment says Russians have fought in Syria since 2013] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from:
Original: - Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2016, February 08). “Vratar’, kotoryi propuskaet shaiby Putina: Chto izvestno pro novogo rukovoditelia Tul’skoi oblasti Alekseia Diumina” [The goalie who lets pass Putin’s pucks: What little we know about Tula’s new interim governor, Alexei Dyumin] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from:
Original: - Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2016, March 07). “Na podvalakh Donbassa Pavel Kanygin — o massovykh arestakh i pytkakh mirnykh grazhdan v Donetske i Luganske” [Locked up in the Donbas: A look at the mass arrests and torture of civilians in Donetsk and Lugansk] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from:
Original: - Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2016, February 11). “‘Snesli, vse otniali, da eshche i pobili’: Monolog moskovskoi predprinimatel’nitsy, lishivsheisia svoikh magazinov” [‘They tore it all down, took everything away, and yes they even beat us’: A Moscow business owner describes how the city destroyed her stores] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from:
Original: - Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2016, March 03). “Trepeshchite, iadom pliuite: Kak Iosif Stalin vozvrashchaetsia v zhizn’ sovremennoi Rossii” [Stalin or bust: How a Soviet tyrant is returning to Russia] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from:
Original: - Braga, P. J. (Trans.). (2015, December 15). “Marsh antituretskogo Kampaniia protiv vsego, sviazannogo s Turtsiei” [Down with Turkey! Russia’s sudden movement to expunge all things Turkish] (K. Rothrock, Ed.). Meduza. Retrieved from: